
UAE Warns Of Cyber Attack Threat Over New Year Holidays

Hacking tools are simpler than ever to use, making it possible for a host of scammers to profit over the holiday season.



The rise of digital services in the Middle Eastern region, plus a growing number of internet and smartphone-equipped users, has dramatically increased the risk of cyber attacks, even threatening utility services such as water, gas, and electricity providers.

As we head into the New Year holiday weekend, the UAE Cybersecurity Council has given its citizens a stark warning of increased hacking and scamming activity from cybercriminals.

The council has emphasized the need for all institutions and authorities to ramp up their cyber defense systems, staying vigilant to threats and sharing information with the public to help them bolster their online safety, and working closely with authorities to pass on details of imminent threats.

Increased hacking activity isn’t just down to a growing reliance on digital services. The UAE Cybersecurity Council has also pointed out that hacking tools are now extremely simple for criminals to deploy. The council has stressed that both companies and individuals alike should adopt stronger protection mechanisms to safeguard themselves and their businesses.

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