The files encompass a massive 12 terabytes of personal information from various sources, including Adobe, Canva, and X.
Frequently used tactics included know-your-customer messages, free money offers, unusual email login activity and undelivered parcel warnings.
Cybersecurity firm Positive Technologies has published a list covering the last 18 months of activity.
Mitnick became a White Hat hacker after a long career of infiltrating corporate and government systems.
According to an IBM report, the cost of cybersecurity incidents in the Middle East reached a new high of $6.93 million per data breach in 2021.
Hackers and cybercriminals are experimenting with the popular AI chat tool to lend a helping hand in their criminal activities.
Hacking tools are simpler than ever to use, making it possible for a host of scammers to profit over the holiday season.
Experts have made five predictions for the new year based on conversations with customers in the private and public sectors.
It’s been revealed that the popular password manager was hacked using intel gained from a previous August 2022 attack.
The database contains nearly 500 million phone numbers from users worldwide, and is being sold on a community hacking forum.