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Getting Started With Google Gemini: A Beginner’s Guide

Learn how to use Google’s powerful AI chatbot, Gemini. Explore its unique features, get tips for effective prompts, and see how it compares to ChatGPT.



getting started with google gemini a beginner's guide

Google Gemini, a large language model (LLM) that outperforms OpenAI’s GPT-4 in many benchmarks, has been available in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region since February 2024. This guide is aimed at those who have yet to try it as well as those who are currently wondering whether they should cancel their ChatGPT subscription in its favor. We provide a comprehensive overview of its capabilities and a brief comparison with its biggest rival.

What Is Google Gemini?

Born from the evolution of Google’s AI initiatives, Gemini, formerly known as Bard, is a state-of-the-art chatbot developed by Google. This LLM initiative was Google’s answer to the fast-rising popularity of OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Gemini brings to the table a suite of capabilities we’ve come to expect from large language models:

  • Multi-Modal Understanding: Gemini is natively multi-modal, meaning it can understand, operate across, and combine different types of information including text, code, audio, image, and video.
  • Sophisticated Reasoning: Gemini’s reasoning capabilities enable it to think more carefully before answering difficult questions, leading to significant improvements over just using its first impression. This is particularly useful in fields requiring complex problem-solving abilities.
  • Advanced Coding: Gemini can understand, explain, and generate high-quality code in over 20 programming languages. It excels in coding benchmarks, making it a powerful tool for developers.
  • Multi-Language Support: Gemini’s translation abilities and its support for numerous languages help break down communication barriers. This is especially valuable in a globalized world, making both work and personal interactions potentially smoother.
  • State-Of-The-Art Performance: Gemini Ultra (used in Gemini Advanced) has outperformed human experts on the MMLU benchmark, a massive multitask language understanding test, scoring 90.0%. It exceeds current state-of-the-art results on 30 of the 32 widely-used academic benchmarks.

While Gemini was introduced with the ability to generate images through Google Brain’s Imagen 2 text-to-image model, these image generation capabilities are currently disabled because the feature created a controversy after flooding the internet with historically inaccurate, racially-biased images.

Google Gemini Availability

Currently, Gemini supports more than 40 languages, including Arabic, Farsi, and Turkish, among others, and extends its reach to over 230 countries and territories, with Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, and Tunisia all being on the list.

Besides the standard version of Gemini, which uses Google’s Pro 1.0 model, there’s also Gemini Advanced, which is based on the Ultra 1.0 model. This more sophisticated version of the LLM is available in more than 150 countries and territories in English. Again, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, and Tunisia are all supported. Unfortunately, Gemini Advanced is optimized only for English, so its responses in other languages can be a hit or miss.

How To Use Google Gemini?

Getting started with Google Gemini, whether on desktop or mobile, is a straightforward process:

On Desktop:

1- Visit The Gemini Website: You can find it at

2- Sign In: Click on the Sign in If you have an existing Google account and are older than 18 years, then you can simply use it to sign in. If you don’t have one already, this is the time to create it.

google gemini sign in

3- Accept The Terms Of Service: Read and accept Google Gemini’s Terms of Service by clicking more, followed by I agree on the subsequent page.

google gemini terms of service

4- Start Using Gemini: After clicking Continue, you will be directed to the Gemini page.

google gemini prompt

5- Message Gemini: Type your question or search term into the search box and press enter. Await Gemini’s response, which will be generated based on the input provided.

google gemini response

On Mobile:
  • Android: As an Android user, you can download the Google Gemini app from the Play Store, or you can use the mobile version of the website.
  • iOS: Unfortunately, there’s currently no dedicated Google Gemini app for iOS, but there’s a Gemini tab will appear at the top of the Google app.

Top Tips For Google Gemini Beginners

One of the biggest advantages of conversational AI systems like Gemini is their intuitiveness. You can literally just start asking questions and issuing commands, and Gemini will do its best to understand and respond appropriately. However, to truly harness the power of Google Gemini, especially if you’re just starting out, it’s important to keep a few key tips in mind:

  • Double-Check Information: Click the Google icon below any response from Gemini. This feature allows you to quickly verify the accuracy of the information provided using Google Search.
  • Provide Feedback: Use the thumbs up or down icons to give feedback on Gemini’s responses. This simple action helps Gemini learn from your preferences, continually improving the accuracy and relevance of its future replies.
  • Listen To Responses: For those who prefer auditory learning or simply wish to hear the information, click the speaker icon at the top of a response. This feature converts text to speech, allowing you to listen to Gemini’s replies.
  • Leverage Multi-Modality: If you’re stuck explaining something in words, try supplementing your query with an image or reference a piece of code. Gemini’s understanding of different input types can lead to more nuanced assistance.
  • Break Down Complex Tasks If you have a complicated problem, try breaking it into smaller, sequential steps. Gemini can assist with each stage, making the whole process more manageable.
  • Experiment With Prompts: Don’t be afraid to rephrase questions or provide additional context to guide Gemini in different directions. You may be surprised by the insights you uncover through a slight change in wording.

ChatGPT vs Google Gemini: Which Is Better For MENA Users?

With both Google Gemini and ChatGPT being available in the MENA region, users have unprecedented access to some of the most advanced AI chatbot technologies. Deciding which platform best suits your needs depends on various factors, including pricing, features, and how well each integrates into your daily digital routine. Here’s a breakdown to help you make an informed decision:

Service: Model: Pricing: Features:
Gemini Free Gemini Pro 1.0 Free Access to Gemini Pro within supported countries with a Google account.
Gemini Advanced Gemini Ultra 1.0 $19.99/Month Access to Ultra 1.0 LLM and all Google One subscription benefits, including 2 TB of cloud storage.
ChatGPT Free GPT-3.5 Free Access to GPT-3.5 with basic OpenAI account registration.
ChatGPT Plus GPT-4 $20/Month GPT-4 access with browsing and analysis features, and DALL-E capabilities for image generation.

Gemini presents a compelling option for users deeply embedded in Google’s ecosystem or those looking for a value-packed subscription. With the Google One AI Premium plan, you can enjoy access to Gemini Advanced and 2 TB of cloud storage space for use across Google’s suite of products, which includes Gmail, Google Docs, and more. Best of all, you can currently get two months of the Google One AI Premium plan for free, so there’s no reason to not give it a try.

On the other hand, ChatGPT shines with its extensive feature set, especially with DALL-E for image generation and the ability to create and train custom GPTs. Despite what artificial LLM performance benchmarks say, ChatGPT’s answers are typically more accurate and relevant than Gemini’s, but they do take longer to generate, and there’s a fairly strict usage limit (40 messages every 3 hours). Unfortunately, OpenAI doesn’t offer a free trial version of its ChatGPT Plus plan, but you can play with the free version of ChatGPT without any limitations.


Google Gemini is a fascinating addition to the world of conversational AI, and it’s already available to users across the MENA region. With its advanced capabilities — from multi-modal understanding to sophisticated reasoning and multi-language support — it presents a good alternative to ChatGPT for those in the Google ecosystem as well as those who have a need for another AI companion in their.


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The Most AI-Proof Career Opportunities In The Middle East

Concerned about AI’s impact on your career? Discover the most AI-proof job opportunities thriving in the Middle East and beyond.



the most ai-proof career opportunities in the middle east

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is sending shockwaves through the global workforce, transforming industries and displacing jobs at an unprecedented pace. Writers, graphic designers, web developers, transcriptionists, translators, and many others have seen their roles dramatically impacted in just the past two years (since the release of ChatGPT).

Given these rapid developments, it’s no surprise that people across the Middle East and other regions are increasingly looking for AI-proof their future. If you count yourself among them, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ve thoroughly researched and compiled a list of career opportunities (presented in no particular order) that are likely to thrive in the Middle East despite the ongoing AI revolution.

Summary Of AI-Proof Career Opportunities:

Career Average Base Annual Salary (AED)
Artificial Intelligence Specialists 171,000
Maintenance Technicians 48,000
Doctors 252,000
Registered Nurses 84,000
Social Workers 85,000
Elementary And High School Teachers 83,000 – 85,000
Emergency Responders 100,000
Skilled Tradespeople 60,000

Artificial Intelligence Specialists

💵 Average Base Annual Salary (Source): AED 171,000

It’s probably no surprise that one of the most career opportunities in the Middle East lies in the heart of the AI industry itself. The AI boom has naturally led to a surge in demand for professionals who have a deep understanding of the technology and can develop, implement, and troubleshoot AI systems.

In the United Arab Emirates, the number of AI workers quadrupled to 120,000 from 2021 to 2023, according to Al Olama, the UAE’s AI Minister, as the country pushes forward with its ambitious goal of becoming a global AI hub by 2031. The UAE is investing heavily in AI education and research, establishing dedicated AI universities and research centers to nurture local talent and attract international experts.

To become an AI specialist, you need to have a strong foundation in computer science, mathematics, and statistics. That’s why most AI specialists hold at least a bachelor’s degree in one of these fields, although many also pursue advanced degrees such as a master’s or Ph.D. to deepen their expertise and stay at the forefront of the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

Maintenance Technicians

💵 Average Base Annual Salary (Source): AED 48,000

The impact of AI extends far beyond the digital realm, as advanced robotics and intelligent machines are poised to revolutionize the physical world. Multiple companies, including Boston Dynamics, Tesla, and Figure AI, are working on developing general-purpose humanoid robots capable of performing a wide range of tasks guided by advanced AI reasoning.

As these sophisticated machines become more prevalent, they are expected to take over an increasing number of jobs in warehouses, factories, and hazardous environments. While this may lead to the displacement of some human workers, it also creates a growing demand for skilled maintenance technicians who can keep these complex systems running smoothly.

To succeed in this field, aspiring maintenance technicians should consider pursuing vocational training or a degree in mechatronics, robotics, or a related field. Hands-on experience through internships, apprenticeships, or industry collaborations can also be invaluable in developing the practical skills needed to excel in this role.


💵 Average Base Annual Salary (Source): AED 252,000

In the Middle East, countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE have shown a particularly strong willingness to embrace AI in healthcare, with two-thirds of their populations open to the idea of replacing doctors with robots, compared to just 55% across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa as a whole, according to a PwC study (PDF).

However, despite the rapid advancements in AI technology, doctors are unlikely to be made obsolete anytime soon. Instead, AI will become an invaluable tool that complements and enhances the expertise of medical professionals, enabling them to provide better care to their patients.

AI is already being used in various healthcare applications, from accelerating the development of new cures, enhancing disease detection, and improving patient outcomes. These developments have not gone unnoticed by UAE leaders, with the country’s National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2031 placing significant emphasis on the healthcare field and the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) launching the UAE health sector’s first Centre of Excellence (COE) for AI in October 2023.

Registered Nurses

💵 Average Base Annual Salary (Source): AED 84,000

Just like doctors, registered nurses are unlikely to be replaced by AI anytime soon, despite the development of robot nurses. The human touch, care, and empathy provided by nurses are invaluable, especially during times of sickness and vulnerability.

In fact, the demand for registered nurses in the Middle East is growing rapidly due to the region’s expanding population and the increasing healthcare needs of an aging demographic.

A recent report on the impact of AI on the Middle Eastern healthcare landscape predicts that the UAE will require an additional 15,000 nurses and allied health professionals in Abu Dhabi and 11,000 nurses in Dubai by 2030 to keep pace with the country’s healthcare needs. As a result, registered nurses can expect ample job opportunities in the Middle East, with AI serving as a tool to enhance their work rather than replace them.

Social Workers

💵 Average Base Annual Salary (Source): AED 85,000

The role of social workers is expected to remain essential and largely unaffected by automation. Social workers provide crucial support, guidance, and advocacy for individuals, families, and communities facing challenging circumstances, and the demand for their services is growing in the Middle East.

According to a recent statistic, the revenue of the human health and social work activities industry in the UAE is projected to reach approximately 5.9 billion U.S. dollars by 2024. This growth indicates a promising future for social workers in the region, as their skills and expertise will be increasingly sought after to address the diverse needs of the population.

For example, social workers have career opportunities in special needs centers, schools, geriatric and psychiatric hospitals, and other social service organizations. Depending on the specific role, such as social therapist, school counselor, or special needs teacher, obtaining a license may be required.

Elementary And High School Teachers

💵 Average Base Annual Salary (Source): AED 83,000 – 85,000

While AI is set to play a significant role in the education sector, it’s extremely unlikely to replace teachers entirely. Instead, AI will augment and support the work of educators.

According to the World Economic Forum, AI can assist teachers by automating administrative tasks, such as grading and record-keeping, allowing them to focus more on personalized interactions with students and enhancing the overall quality of education. Another exciting application of AI in education is the personalization of learning content and experiences. AI-powered systems can adapt to individual students’ needs, learning styles, and abilities, providing tailored support and resources to optimize their learning outcomes.

This creates new opportunities for tech-savvy teachers and those willing to embrace AI in their teaching methods. A teacher who understands modern AI tools and knows how to incorporate them effectively into their lesson plans will be highly sought after.

Emergency Responders

💵 Average Base Annual Salary (Source): AED 100,000

The jobs of emergency responders, including firefighters, paramedics, and police officers, are very safe from AI automation. The critical, hands-on nature of their work, which often requires split-second decision-making, empathy, and adaptability in unpredictable situations, guarantees that human responders will remain essential even in the future.

However, AI has the potential to revolutionize emergency response by assisting responders in various ways. Companies like Omdena are pioneering AI solutions to improve emergency response management, preparedness, and response.

For example, Omdena’s AI models analyze historical data, weather patterns, and other factors to predict the likelihood of emergencies such as floods, wildfires, and earthquakes. They also help optimize resource allocation and coordinate the response of different agencies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of disaster relief operations.

Skilled Tradespeople

💵 Average Base Annual Salary (Source): AED 60,000

In the short term, skilled tradespeople can rest easy knowing that AI won’t be fixing leaky toilets, unclogging drains, or rewiring electrical panels anytime soon. The complex problem-solving skills and dexterity required for these tasks are still beyond the capabilities of current AI systems.

However, the medium and long-term outlook for trades in the Middle East is more complicated. As AI disrupts various industries, many people are considering transitioning to trades as a safer career option. This influx of new workers could potentially increase competition and put downward pressure on wages, especially for entry-level positions.

Moreover, in wealthier parts of the Middle East, the demand for skilled tradespeople is often met by workers from South Asia who are willing to accept lower wages. Despite these challenges, established tradespeople with a strong reputation and a loyal customer base can still thrive in the AI era by providing high-quality work and excellent customer service.


Even though the AI revolution is expected to disrupt the entire job market and make many traditional career paths obsolete, there are still plenty of work opportunities in the Middle East remain resilient against automation. Generally, the most AI-proof career opportunities are those that either directly contribute to the development and implementation of AI technologies or require uniquely human skills such as empathy, creativity, and critical thinking.

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