
New Club Allows You To Invest In Lebanese Startups For Just $50

The close-knit group will allow worldwide financial backers to support vetted, high-potential, home-grown Lebanese businesses.




In spite of its troubled economy, Lebanon is home to a burgeoning tech scene and is rapidly becoming a hub for startups and local talent outsourcing.

However, although the country has plenty of potential to shine on the world stage, so far, financial backers and venture capital firms have been slow to invest.

To that end, the leading online source for all things Lebanon, 961, has decided to take action. The result is a new Investor Club where financial backers can support Lebanese startups, helping to reduce unemployment and ignite the growth of a clean economy.

For as little as $50, investors can be part of a close-knit club that will allow them to back vetted, high-potential, home-grown Lebanese founders.

Here are some of the opportunities that the 961 Investor Club is offering local startups:

  • Tech & Digitalization: Innovations that drive digital transformation.
  • Solving Day-to-Day Problems: Practical solutions to improve day-to-day life.
  • Proven Startups Looking to Grow: Established local companies aiming to scale.
  • Companies Looking to Expand Abroad: Businesses preparing to enter new markets.
  • Taking Concepts/Franchises Abroad: Growing Lebanese brands globally.

Startups based abroad may be eligible for funding, but they’ll need to pass specific criteria. For example, companies must demonstrate potential for significant growth, maintain and keep a sizable team in Lebanon, and prioritize Lebanese hires wherever possible.

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In addition to the ever-popular tech startups, investors will also be able to back local restaurants, food trucks, nightlife venues, retail outlets, and franchises.

Experts will rigorously vet all businesses before they are presented to the 961 Investor Club, and members can choose to invest in whatever opportunities interest them most.

How To Join

Head over to the 961 website and fill out the form to join the club and be part of a private WhatsApp group. Alternatively, if you’re one of the Lebanese startups looking for a funding opportunity for your business, you can apply here.

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