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Tumor-Fighting Nanobots Could Revolutionize Cancer Treatment

The tiny DNA-based robots target and destroy diseased cells while sparing healthy tissue.



tumor-fighting nanobots could revolutionize cancer treatment

In a significant leap forward in cancer therapy, scientists at Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet have engineered nanobots capable of selectively targeting and eradicating tumor cells. This innovation has the potential to become a powerful new tool in combating a deadly disease which continues to claim millions of lives worldwide.

The nanobots are crafted using a process known as DNA origami, which involves folding DNA molecules into precise shapes at an incredibly small scale. These microscopic robots use a hexagonal arrangement of peptides hidden within their structure. The lethal mechanism remains inactive until it encounters the acidic environment typically surrounding solid tumors, ensuring that healthy cells remain unharmed.

nanorobots designed by the karolinska institutet in sweden

Professor Björn Högberg, from the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Karolinska Institutet and the study’s lead investigator, elaborates on the breakthrough: “The hexagonal nanopattern of peptides acts as a potent weapon. If administered directly as a drug, it could cause widespread damage by killing cells indiscriminately. To prevent this, we have ingeniously concealed the weapon inside a DNA-based nanostructure”.

The remarkable abilities of the nanobots lie in their ability to detect the difference in pH levels between healthy and cancerous tissues. The lethal peptides remain securely hidden in normal tissues, where the pH level is around 7.4. However, in the more acidic environment of cancerous tissues, where the pH drops to 6.5, the nanobots’ hidden weapon is triggered, leading to the destruction of cancer cells.

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During preclinical experiments, these nanobots were injected into mice with breast cancer. The results were impressive, showing a 70% reduction in tumor growth in the mice treated with active nanobots compared to those given an inactive version. These promising findings pave the way for additional studies to evaluate the nanobots’ effectiveness in more advanced cancer models and identify potential side effects.

“We now need to test this approach in more complex cancer models that better simulate human disease,” explained Yang Wang, the study’s first author and a researcher at Karolinska Institutet’s Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics. “It’s also crucial to determine the method’s side effects before we can move on to human trials”.

Although still in the early stages, the technology marks a significant advance in the field of personalized cancer therapy. The researchers are hopeful about the future, with plans to further refine the nanobots by attaching specific proteins or peptides that could bind more accurately to particular cancer cells, thereby enhancing their precision and effectiveness.


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Tech Startup Foodics Offers Smarter Restaurant Management

The Saudi company’s innovative solutions optimize restaurant operations, from ordering to payments, delivery, and more.



tech startup foodics offers smarter restaurant management

Foodics, a prominent player in the MENA restaurant management landscape, is transforming the food and beverage industry through its comprehensive, in-house developed Restaurant Management System (RMS).

Known for its strong presence within Saudi Arabia’s thriving startup ecosystem, Foodics already serves customers in over 35 countries. The company provides innovative hardware and software solutions designed to help restaurant owners optimize their operations.

Currently, Foodics offers more than 100 apps that seamlessly integrate into restaurant operations. These tools cover everything from front-of-house management and data collection to inventory tracking, menu creation, delivery coordination, and more.

foodics complete services showcase

To further simplify customer ordering and payments, Foodics offers various specialized solutions. These include Foodics Online, a commission-free online ordering platform; Foodics Pay, which streamlines payment processes; Foodics Kiosk, a self-ordering and checkout system; Foodics Marketplace, a platform that partners with over 100 third-party apps for easy integration; and Foodics Accounting, a smart financial management tool designed to simplify accounting tasks.

“We sensed a lack of digitalization across the Saudi food and beverage sector in 2014, especially in the ordering process, including restaurants that were facing operational challenges. This inspired us to develop a fully integrated ecosystem to support the industry as we wanted to bring new technologies that change and enhance how people interact and connect with their favorite food brands,” comments Ahmad Al-Zaini, CEO and co-founder of Foodics.

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Today, more than 30,000 food and beverage outlets use the company’s services. In the UAE alone, approximately 1,850 restaurants rely on Foodics, with over 60% of these establishments having been clients for more than two years.

By focusing on creating efficiency and convenience, Foodics has had a significant impact on the Middle Eastern F&B sector. Their solutions have redefined the dining experience, from the moment customers place an order until the food is delivered to their table or doorstep.

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